Track user activity with audit logs

Use W&B audit logs to track user activity within your organization and to conform to your enterprise governance requirements. Audit logs are available in JSON format. Refer to Audit log schema.

How to access audit logs depends on your W&B platform deployment type:

W&B Platform Deployment type Audit logs access mechanism
Self-managed Synced to instance-level bucket every 10 minutes. Also available using the API.
Dedicated Cloud with secure storage connector (BYOB) Synced to instance-level bucket (BYOB) every 10 minutes. Also available using the API.
Dedicated Cloud with W&B managed storage (without BYOB) Available only by using the API.
SaaS Cloud Available for Enterprise plans only. Available only by using the API.

After fetching audit logs, you can analyze them using tools like Pandas, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, or Microsoft Fabric. Some audit log analysis tools do not support JSON; refer to the documentation for your analysis tool for guidelines and requirements for transforming the JSON-formatted audit logs before analysis.

Audit log schema

This table shows all keys which may appear in an audit log entry, ordered alphabetically. Depending on the action and the circumstances, a specific log entry may include only a subset of the possible fields.

Key Definition
action The action of the event.
actor_email The email address of the user that initiated the action, if applicable.
actor_ip The IP address of the user that initiated the action.
actor_user_id The ID of the logged-in user who performed the action, if applicable.
artifact_asset The artifact ID associated with the action, if applicable.
artifact_digest The artifact digest associated with the action, if applicable.
artifact_qualified_name The full name of the artifact associated with the action, if applicable.
artifact_sequence_asset The artifact sequence ID associated with the action, if applicable.
cli_version The version of the Python SDK that initiated the action, if applicable.
entity_asset The entity or team ID associated with the action, if applicable.
entity_name The entity or team name associated with the action, if applicable.
project_asset The project associated with the action, if applicable.
project_name The name of the project associated with the action, if applicable.
report_asset The report ID associated with the action, if applicable.
report_name The name of the report associated with the action, if applicable.
response_code The HTTP response code for the action, if applicable.
timestamp The time of the event in RFC3339 format. For example, 2023-01-23T12:34:56Z represents January 23, 2023 at 12:34:56 UTC.
user_asset The user asset the action impacts (rather than the user performing the action), if applicable.
user_email The email address of the user the action impacts (rather than the email address of the user performing the action), if applicable.

Personally identifiable information (PII)

Personally identifiable information (PII), such as email addresses and the names of projects, teams, and reports, is available only using the API endpoint option.

Fetch audit logs

An organization or instance admin can fetch the audit logs for a W&B instance using the Audit Logging API, at the endpoint audit_logs/.

  1. Determine the correct API endpoint for your instance:

    In proceeding steps, replace <API-endpoint> with your API endpoint.

  2. Construct the full API endpoint from the base endpoint, and optionally include URL parameters:

    • anonymize: if set to true, remove any PII; defaults to false. Refer to Exclude PII when fetching audit logs. Not supported for SaaS Cloud.

    • numDays: logs will be fetched starting from today - numdays to most recent; defaults to 0, which returns logs only for today. For SaaS Cloud, you can fetch audit logs from a maximum of 7 days in the past.

    • startDate: an optional date with format YYYY-MM-DD. Supported only on SaaS Cloud.

      startDate and numDays interact:

      • If you set both startDate and numDays, logs are returned from startDate to startDate + numDays.
      • If you omit startDate but include numDays, logs are returned from today to numDays.
      • If you set neither startDate nor numDays, logs are returned for today only.
  3. Execute an HTTP GET request on the constructed fully qualified API endpoint using a web browser or a tool like Postman, HTTPie, or cURL.

The API response contains new-line separated JSON objects. Objects will include the fields described in the schema, just like when audit logs are synced to an instance-level bucket. In those cases, the audit logs are located in the /wandb-audit-logs directory in your bucket.

Use basic authentication

To use basic authentication with your API key to access the audit logs API, set the HTTP request’s Authorization header to the string Basic followed by a space, then the base-64 encoded string in the format username:API-KEY. In other words, replace the username and API key with your values separated with a : character, then base-64-encode the result. For example, to authorize as demo:p@55w0rd, the header should be Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA==.

Exclude PII when fetching audit logs

For Self-managed and Dedicated Cloud, a W&B organization or instance admin can exclude PII when fetching audit logs. For SaaS Cloud, the API endpoint always returns relevant fields for audit logs, including PII. This is not configurable.

To exclude PII, pass the anonymize=true URL parameter. For example, if your W&B instance URL is and you would like to get audit logs for user activity within the last week and exclude PII, use an API endpoint like:


This table describes possible actions that can be recorded by W&B, sorted alphabetically.

Action Definition
artifact:create Artifact is created.
artifact:delete Artifact is deleted.
artifact:read Artifact is read.
project:delete Project is deleted.
project:read Project is read.
report:read Report is read. 1
run:delete_many Batch of runs is deleted.
run:delete Run is deleted.
run:stop Run is stopped.
run:undelete_many Batch of runs is restored from trash.
run:update_many Batch of runs is updated.
run:update Run is updated.
sweep:create_agent Sweep agent is created.
team:create_service_account Service account is created for the team.
team:create Team is created.
team:delete Team is deleted.
team:invite_user User is invited to team.
team:uninvite User or service account is uninvited from team.
user:create_api_key API key for the user is created. 1
user:create User is created. 1
user:deactivate User is deactivated. 1
user:delete_api_key API key for the user is deleted. 1
user:initiate_login User initiates log in. 1
user:login User logs in. 1
user:logout User logs out. 1
user:permanently_delete User is permanently deleted. 1
user:reactivate User is reactivated. 1
user:read User profile is read. 1
user:update User is updated. 1

1: On SaaS Cloud, audit logs are not collected for:

  • Open or Public projects.
  • The report:read action.
  • User actions which are not tied to a specific organization.