1 - Delete an artifact

Delete artifacts interactively with the App UI or programmatically with the W&B SDK/

Delete artifacts interactively with the App UI or programmatically with the W&B SDK. When you delete an artifact, W&B marks that artifact as a soft-delete. In other words, the artifact is marked for deletion but files are not immediately deleted from storage.

The contents of the artifact remain as a soft-delete, or pending deletion state, until a regularly run garbage collection process reviews all artifacts marked for deletion. The garbage collection process deletes associated files from storage if the artifact and its associated files are not used by a previous or subsequent artifact versions.

The sections in this page describe how to delete specific artifact versions, how to delete an artifact collection, how to delete artifacts with and without aliases, and more. You can schedule when artifacts are deleted from W&B with TTL policies. For more information, see Manage data retention with Artifact TTL policy.

Delete an artifact version

To delete an artifact version:

  1. Select the name of the artifact. This will expand the artifact view and list all the artifact versions associated with that artifact.
  2. From the list of artifacts, select the artifact version you want to delete.
  3. On the right hand side of the workspace, select the kebab dropdown.
  4. Choose Delete.

An artifact version can also be deleted programatically via the delete() method. See the examples below.

Delete multiple artifact versions with aliases

The following code example demonstrates how to delete artifacts that have aliases associated with them. Provide the entity, project name, and run ID that created the artifacts.

import wandb

run = api.run("entity/project/run_id")

for artifact in run.logged_artifacts():

Set the delete_aliases parameter to the boolean value, True to delete aliases if the artifact has one or more aliases.

import wandb

run = api.run("entity/project/run_id")

for artifact in run.logged_artifacts():
    # Set delete_aliases=True in order to delete
    # artifacts with one more aliases

Delete multiple artifact versions with a specific alias

The proceeding code demonstrates how to delete multiple artifact versions that have a specific alias. Provide the entity, project name, and run ID that created the artifacts. Replace the deletion logic with your own:

import wandb

runs = api.run("entity/project_name/run_id")

# Delete artifact ith alias 'v3' and 'v4
for artifact_version in runs.logged_artifacts():
    # Replace with your own deletion logic.
    if artifact_version.name[-2:] == "v3" or artifact_version.name[-2:] == "v4":

Delete all versions of an artifact that do not have an alias

The following code snippet demonstrates how to delete all versions of an artifact that do not have an alias. Provide the name of the project and entity for the project and entity keys in wandb.Api, respectively. Replace the <> with the name of your artifact:

import wandb

# Provide your entity and a project name when you
# use wandb.Api methods.
api = wandb.Api(overrides={"project": "project", "entity": "entity"})

artifact_type, artifact_name = "<>"  # provide type and name
for v in api.artifact_versions(artifact_type, artifact_name):
    # Clean up versions that don't have an alias such as 'latest'.
    # NOTE: You can put whatever deletion logic you want here.
    if len(v.aliases) == 0:

Delete an artifact collection

To delete an artifact collection:

  1. Navigate to the artifact collection you want to delete and hover over it.
  2. Select the kebab dropdown next to the artifact collection name.
  3. Choose Delete.

You can also delete artifact collection programmatically with the delete() method. Provide the name of the project and entity for the project and entity keys in wandb.Api, respectively:

import wandb

# Provide your entity and a project name when you
# use wandb.Api methods.
api = wandb.Api(overrides={"project": "project", "entity": "entity"})
collection = api.artifact_collection(
    "<artifact_type>", "entity/project/artifact_collection_name"

How to enable garbage collection based on how W&B is hosted

Garbage collection is enabled by default if you use W&B’s shared cloud. Based on how you host W&B, you might need to take additional steps to enable garbage collection, this includes:

  • Set the GORILLA_ARTIFACT_GC_ENABLED environment variable to true: GORILLA_ARTIFACT_GC_ENABLED=true
  • Enable bucket versioning if you use AWS, GCP or any other storage provider such as Minio. If you use Azure, enable soft deletion.

The following table describes how to satisfy requirements to enable garbage collection based on your deployment type.

The X indicates you must satisfy the requirement:

Environment variable Enable versioning
Shared cloud
Shared cloud with secure storage connector X
Dedicated cloud
Dedicated cloud with secure storage connector X
Customer-managed cloud X X
Customer managed on-prem X X

2 - Manage artifact data retention

Time to live policies (TTL)

Schedule when artifacts are deleted from W&B with W&B Artifact time-to-live (TTL) policy. When you delete an artifact, W&B marks that artifact as a soft-delete. In other words, the artifact is marked for deletion but files are not immediately deleted from storage. For more information on how W&B deletes artifacts, see the Delete artifacts page.

Check out this video tutorial to learn how to manage data retention with Artifacts TTL in the W&B App.

Auto-generated Artifacts

Only user-generated artifacts can use TTL policies. Artifacts auto-generated by W&B cannot have TTL policies set for them.

The following Artifact types indicate an auto-generated Artifact:

  • run_table
  • code
  • job
  • Any Artifact type starting with: wandb-*

You can check an Artifact’s type on the W&B platform or programmatically:

import wandb

run = wandb.init(project="<my-project-name>")
artifact = run.use_artifact(artifact_or_name="<my-artifact-name>")

Replace the values enclosed with <> with your own.

Define who can edit and set TTL policies

Define who can set and edit TTL policies within a team. You can either grant TTL permissions only to team admins, or you can grant both team admins and team members TTL permissions.

  1. Navigate to your team’s profile page.
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. Navigate to the Artifacts time-to-live (TTL) section.
  4. From the TTL permissions dropdown, select who can set and edit TTL policies.
  5. Click on Review and save settings.
  6. Confirm the changes and select Save settings.

Create a TTL policy

Set a TTL policy for an artifact either when you create the artifact or retroactively after the artifact is created.

For all the code snippets below, replace the content wrapped in <> with your information to use the code snippet.

Set a TTL policy when you create an artifact

Use the W&B Python SDK to define a TTL policy when you create an artifact. TTL policies are typically defined in days.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Create an artifact.
  2. Add content to the artifact such as files, a directory, or a reference.
  3. Define a TTL time limit with the datetime.timedelta data type that is part of Python’s standard library.
  4. Log the artifact.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to create an artifact and set a TTL policy.

import wandb
from datetime import timedelta

run = wandb.init(project="<my-project-name>", entity="<my-entity>")
artifact = wandb.Artifact(name="<artifact-name>", type="<type>")

artifact.ttl = timedelta(days=30)  # Set TTL policy

The preceding code snippet sets the TTL policy for the artifact to 30 days. In other words, W&B deletes the artifact after 30 days.

Set or edit a TTL policy after you create an artifact

Use the W&B App UI or the W&B Python SDK to define a TTL policy for an artifact that already exists.

  1. Fetch your artifact.
  2. Pass in a time delta to the artifact’s ttl attribute.
  3. Update the artifact with the save method.

The following code snippet shows how to set a TTL policy for an artifact:

import wandb
from datetime import timedelta

artifact = run.use_artifact("<my-entity/my-project/my-artifact:alias>")
artifact.ttl = timedelta(days=365 * 2)  # Delete in two years

The preceding code example sets the TTL policy to two years.

  1. Navigate to your W&B project in the W&B App UI.
  2. Select the artifact icon on the left panel.
  3. From the list of artifacts, expand the artifact type you
  4. Select on the artifact version you want to edit the TTL policy for.
  5. Click on the Version tab.
  6. From the dropdown, select Edit TTL policy.
  7. Within the modal that appears, select Custom from the TTL policy dropdown.
  8. Within the TTL duration field, set the TTL policy in units of days.
  9. Select the Update TTL button to save your changes.

Set default TTL policies for a team

Set a default TTL policy for your team. Default TTL policies apply to all existing and future artifacts based on their respective creation dates. Artifacts with existing version-level TTL policies are not affected by the team’s default TTL.

  1. Navigate to your team’s profile page.
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. Navigate to the Artifacts time-to-live (TTL) section.
  4. Click on the Set team’s default TTL policy.
  5. Within the Duration field, set the TTL policy in units of days.
  6. Click on Review and save settings. 7/ Confirm the changes and then select Save settings.

Set a TTL policy outside of a run

Use the public API to retrieve an artifact without fetching a run, and set the TTL policy. TTL policies are typically defined in days.

The following code sample shows how to fetch an artifact using the public API and set the TTL policy.

api = wandb.Api()

artifact = api.artifact("entity/project/artifact:alias")

artifact.ttl = timedelta(days=365)  # Delete in one year


Deactivate a TTL policy

Use the W&B Python SDK or W&B App UI to deactivate a TTL policy for a specific artifact version.

  1. Fetch your artifact.
  2. Set the artifact’s ttl attribute to None.
  3. Update the artifact with the save method.

The following code snippet shows how to turn off a TTL policy for an artifact:

artifact = run.use_artifact("<my-entity/my-project/my-artifact:alias>")
artifact.ttl = None
  1. Navigate to your W&B project in the W&B App UI.
  2. Select the artifact icon on the left panel.
  3. From the list of artifacts, expand the artifact type you
  4. Select on the artifact version you want to edit the TTL policy for.
  5. Click on the Version tab.
  6. Click on the meatball UI icon next to the Link to registry button.
  7. From the dropdown, select Edit TTL policy.
  8. Within the modal that appears, select Deactivate from the TTL policy dropdown.
  9. Select the Update TTL button to save your changes.

View TTL policies

View TTL policies for artifacts with the Python SDK or with the W&B App UI.

Use a print statement to view an artifact’s TTL policy. The following example shows how to retrieve an artifact and view its TTL policy:

artifact = run.use_artifact("<my-entity/my-project/my-artifact:alias>")

View a TTL policy for an artifact with the W&B App UI.

  1. Navigate to the W&B App at https://wandb.ai.
  2. Go to your W&B Project.
  3. Within your project, select the Artifacts tab in the left sidebar.
  4. Click on a collection.

Within the collection view you can see all of the artifacts in the selected collection. Within the Time to Live column you will see the TTL policy assigned to that artifact.

3 - Manage artifact storage and memory allocation

Manage storage, memory allocation of W&B Artifacts.

W&B stores artifact files in a private Google Cloud Storage bucket located in the United States by default. All files are encrypted at rest and in transit.

For sensitive files, we recommend you set up Private Hosting or use reference artifacts.

During training, W&B locally saves logs, artifacts, and configuration files in the following local directories:

File Default location To change default location set:
logs ./wandb dir in wandb.init or set the WANDB_DIR environment variable
artifacts ~/.cache/wandb the WANDB_CACHE_DIR environment variable
configs ~/.config/wandb the WANDB_CONFIG_DIR environment variable
staging artifacts for upload ~/.cache/wandb-data/ the WANDB_DATA_DIR environment variable
downloaded artifacts ./artifacts the WANDB_ARTIFACT_DIR environment variable

For a complete guide to using environment variables to configure W&B, see the environment variables reference.

Clean up local artifact cache

W&B caches artifact files to speed up downloads across versions that share files in common. Over time this cache directory can become large. Run the wandb artifact cache cleanup command to prune the cache and to remove any files that have not been used recently.

The proceeding code snippet demonstrates how to limit the size of the cache to 1GB. Copy and paste the code snippet into your terminal:

$ wandb artifact cache cleanup 1GB